Sultan Qaboos holds talks with Khamenei, Nejad


 The two leaders also exchanged views on a number of current regional and international issues of common concern in the backdrop of global developments.The session was attended by Sayyid Ali bin Hamoud al Busaidy, Minister of the Diwan of the Royal Court, Gen Ali bin Majid al Maamari, Minister of the Royal Office, Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdallah, Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs, Ahmed bin Abdulnabi Macki, Minister of National Economy and Supervisor of the Finance Ministry, Abdulaziz bin Mohammed al Rowas, His Majesty the Sultan’s Adviser for Cultural Affairs, Lt Gen Malik bin Sulaiman al Maamari, Inspector General of Police and Customs, Dr Ali bin Mohammed bin Moosa, Minister of Health, Maqbool bin Ali Sultan, Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr Mohammed bin Hamad al Rumhy, Minister of Oil and Gas, and Shaikh Yahya bin Abdullah al Fanah al Araimi, the Oman’s Ambassador to Iran.On the Iranian side, the session was attended by Said Lo, the Executive Assistant for the Presidency of the Republic, Dr Manouchehr Mottaki, Foreign Minister, Smara Hashmi, Senior Adviser of the Republican Presidency, Dr Kamran Baqeri Lankarani, Health Minister, Qolam Hosein Nozari, Oil Minister, Masud Mir-Kazemi, Commerce Minister, Sayed Husaini, Economy Minister, Mashaie, Adviser and Head of the Republican Presidency Office, Shaikh Al Islam, Under-Secretary of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Murtadha Rahimi, the Iranian Ambassador to the Sultanate, and Saheb Mohamadi, Governor of Hurmuzgan Governorate.Later, His Majesty the Sultan and Dr Ahmedinejad held a closed-door session which was attended by Alawi and Dr Mottaki, Iranian Foreign Minister and Head of the Mission of Honour accompanying His Majesty the Sultan during the visit. His Majesty the Sultan arrived in Iran earlier in the day on a three-day official visit. Upon His Majesty’s arrival at the Presidential Building, he was received by Dr Ahmedinejad who welcomed His Majesty, wishing him a pleasant stay in Tehran.

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