Tehran means no harm to GCC despite threats by some officials: Interior Minister


In a press conference at the Iranian embassy here, Mohammadi stressed that Iran was a democracy championing diversity of opinions expressed, affirming that Tehran policy always sought the reinforcement of relations with regional countries.


Addressing people and officials in GCC states, Mohammadi affirmed that his country did not mean them any harm, insisting that Tehran was eager to boost relations with all Gulf countries.
Regarding relations with Kuwait, the minister indicated that they were growing ever stronger in all domains.


On possible International sanctions on Iran due to its nuclear file and threats of U.S. military actions, the Iranian official said the probability of such things to happen were slim, but did not rule out U.S. actions against Iran. "Iran’s nuclear program is for peaceful purposes," explained Mohammadi. On other matters, the Iranian ministers discussed results from the fourth meeting for Interior Ministers of Iraq’s neighboring states indicating that the meeting would help support the process of stability in Iraq.


He also hoped that Iraqi security would improve for the sake of Iraqis, saying that recent successes in security there could be attributed to cooperation between Iraqis and their authorities.
Iran was eager to buildup relations with all Iraqis, affirmed Mohammadi, saying that Tehran was looking for bolstering relations with Baghdad.


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