UK Securities & Investment Institute announces partnership with UAE


The MoU, which will be witnessed by the Lord Mayor of the City of London


Alderman John Stuttard and H.E. Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, Minister of Econony


– ESCA Chairperson and H.E.Abdullah Alturifi, CEO of ESCA, will recognise


the joint commitment to promote high standards of competence and integrity


within the UAE securities & investment industry. This will be practically


acknowledged by the establishment of an SII office in Dubai.



ESCA will formally adopt the SII Code of Conduct (copies available in


English and Arabic) which consists of seven Principles regarding financial


services market integrity, honesty and professional standards.



Ruth Martin, Managing Director of the SII said, "We are delighted to be


working with ESCA on these very important projects which will help establish


international benchmark professional qualifications in the UAE and promote


high standards of ethics and integrity in the financial services industry."



The Lord Mayor Alderman John Stuttard said, "Today is a great example of


"City of London, City of Learning" in action. ESCA and SII working together


provides an exciting example of how the UK’s Financial Services Sector


expertise in training and competence is being transferred to benefit the


important emerging financial markets of the Gulf."



Abdullah al Turifi, CEO of ESCA said: "We have a profound belief that this


visionary partnership will add to the UAE securities and investment


industry. The offspring of such collaboratory work will not be confined only


to the Code of Conduct and enhancing the qualifications of securities


professionals, but will also raise the bar for best practices. This will add


value to the UAE investment infrastructure and daily practices."



The Securities & Investment Institute recently launched its Islamic Finance


Qualification (IFQ) in Bahrain at the World Islamic Banking Conference. The


IFQ is the first global benchmark examination covering Islamic finance to be


available to candidates via computer based testing (CBT) It is also the


world’s first ever global benchmark qualification to cover Islamic finance


from both a technical product knowledge and a Sharia’ aspect.




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