Youth societies in Bahrain seek role in council




Six societies hope that Deputy King Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, who is the council’s chairman, will consider having their representatives in the council.

The societies have assigned the Bahrain Youth Forum Society to follow up the issue and requested an urgent meeting with General Organisation for Youth and Sport president Shaikh Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa.

The move follows the names of nominees for the council’s new term being unofficially published in the Press.

"None of the names included representatives from youth societies," said Bahrain Youth Forum Society president Sayed Amjad Jalal.

"Our only resort is Shaikh Fawaz, who is a member in the council due to his post, to present our concerns to Shaikh Salman," he said.

"We want two youth members in the 11-member council at the moment and we plan to demand more representation in the future."

"There are signs that Shaikh Fawaz will give us all support because he is a major supporter of youth societies and activities and will help us achieve our goals."

Mr Jalal said that the meeting would be held with Shaikh Fawaz as soon as he returns from abroad, before the new council members are officially announced.

"It is true that those nominated for the council are qualified to handle the responsibility of drawing up projects for youths and sports in the country, but they are not youths and don’t know everything that we want," he said.

"Article three of the council’s bylaw states that the membership is open for those concerned with youth affairs and we believe that this is a legal entrance for our societies.

"We are in need of being a part of the council and without our feedback and involvement in the decision-making process, it will not be so effective."



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